







cted Modern Chinese Essays


Xu Dishan

Behind our house there lay half a mou of vacant land. Mother said, “it’s a pity to let it lie waste. Since you all like to eat peanuts so very much, why not plant some here?” that exhilarated us children and our servant girls as well, and soon we started buying seeds, ploughing the land and watering the plants. We gathered in a good harvest just after a couple of months!

Mother said, “How about giving a party this evening to celebrate the harvest and inviting your Daddy to have a taste of our newly-harvested peanuts?” We all agreed.

Mother made quite a few varieties of goodies out of the peanuts, and told us that the party would be held in the thatched pavilion on the peanut plot.

It looked like rain that evening, yet, to our great joy, father came nevertheless. “Do you like peanuts?” asked father.

“Yes, we do!” we vied in giving the answer.

“Which of you could name the good things in peanuts?”

“Peanuts taste good,” said my elder sister.

“Peanuts produce edible oil,” said my elder brother.

“Peanuts are so cheap,” said I, “that anyone can afford to eat them. Peanuts are everyone’s favourite. That’s why we call peanuts good.”

“It’s true that peanuts have many uses,” said father, “but they’re most beloved in one respect. Unlike nice-looking apples, peaches and pomegranates, which hang their fruit on branches and win people’s admiration with their brilliant colours, tiny little peanuts bury themselves underground and remain unearthed until they’re ripe. When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground, you can never immediately tell whether or not it bear any nuts until you touch them.”

“That’s true,” we said in unison. Mother also nodded. “So you must take after peanuts,” father continued, “because they’re useful though not great and nice- looking.”

“Then you mean one should be useful rather than great and nice-looking,” I said. “That’s what I except of you,” father concluded.

We kept chatting until the party broke up late at night. Today, though nothing is left of the goodies made of peanuts, father’s words remain engraved in my mind.

















(1)原句也可译为why not have them planted herewhy not make a peanut plot of it,但现译更直截了当,且避免在同一句中重复peanuts一词。


(3)做一个收获节不宜直译为hold a harvest festival,现取意译。


(5)那晚上底天色不大好译为It looked like rain that evening,符合原意和英语习惯。

(6)这小小的豆译为tiny little peanuts。英语中常把tinylittle用在一起,有小得可怜(爱)等含意。

(7)鲜红嫩绿不宜直译,译brilliant colours即可。


(9)你们要像花生译为you must take after peanuts,其中take after是成语,意即take……as

an example(学习……的榜样)。


Mr. About-the Same

Hu Shih

Do you know who is the most well-known person in China?

The name of this person is a household word all over the ry. His name is Cha and his given name, Buduo, which altoher mean “About the Same”. He is a native of every province, every ry and every village in this ry. You must have seen or heard about this person. His name is always on the lips of everybody because he is representative of the whole Chinese nation.

Mr. Cha Buduo has the same physiognomy as you and I. He has a pair of eyes, but doesn’t see clearly. He has a pair of ears, but doesn’t hear well. He has a nose and a mouth, but lacks a keen sense of smell and taste. His brain is none too small, but he is weak in memory and sloppy in thinking.

He often says: “whatever we do, it’s OK to be just about right. What’s the use of being precise and accurate:”

One day, when he was a child, his mother sent him out to buy her some brown sugar, but he returned with some white sugar instead. As his mother scolded him about it, he shook his head and said, “Brown sugar or white sugar, aren’t they about the same?”

One day in school, the teacher asked him, “Which province borders Hebei on the west?” He answered, “Shaanxi,” The teacher corrected him, “You are wrong. It’s Shanxi, Not Shaanxi.” He retorted, “Shaanxi or Shanxi, aren’t they about the same?”

Later Mr. Cha Buduo served as an assistant at a money shop. He could write and calculate all right, but his mathematics were/was often faulty. He would mistake the Chinese acter十(meaning 10for 千(meaning 1000or vice versa. The shop owner was infuriated and often took him to task. But he would only explain apoloically with a grin, “The acterdiffers from in merely having one additional short stroke. Aren’t they about the same?”

One day, he wanted to go to Shanghai by train on urgent business. But he arrived at the railway station unhurriedly only to find the train already gone, because he was two minutes late. He stood staring helplessly at the smoke belching from the diminishing train, and shook his head, “Well, all I can do is leave tomorrow. After all, today and tomorrow are about the same. But isn’t the railway taking it too seriously? What’s the difference between departing at 8:30and 8:32?” He walked home slowly while talking to himself and kept puzzling over why the train hadn’t waited for him for two minutes more.

One day he suddenly fell ill and immediately told one of his family to fetch Dr. Wang of East Street. The latter went in hurry, but couldn’t find the physician on East Street. So he fetched instead Veterinarian Wang of West Street. Mr. Cha Buduo, lying on his sickbed, knew that a wrong person had been brought home. But, what with pain and worry, he could ill afford to wait any longer. So he said to himself, “Luckily, Vet Wang is about the same as Dr. Wang. Why not let Vet Wang have a try?” there- upon, the veterinarian walked up to his bed to work on him as if he were a cow. Consequently, Mr. Cha Buduo kicked the bucket before an hour was out.

When Mr. Cha Buduo was about to breathe his last, he uttered intermittently in one breath, “Live or die, it’s about…about…the same…Whatever we do…it’s OK…to be …just…just about right... Why…why…take it…so seriously?” as soon as he finished this pet phrase of his, he stopped breathing.

After Mr. Cha Buduo death, people all praised him for his way of seeing things and his philosophical approach to life. They say that he refused to take things seriously all his life and that he was never calculating or particular about personal gains or losses. So they called him a virtuous man and honored him with the posthumous reverent title Master of Easy-Going.

His name has spread far and wide and become more and more celebrated with the passing of time. Innumerable people have come to follow his example, so that everybody has become a Mr. Cha Buduo. But lo, China will hence be a nation of lazybones!























(1)他姓差,名不多如仅仅译为His name is Cha and his given name, Buduo,外国读者只知其音,不知其意,故在后面加补充说明which altoher mean “About the Same”

(2)他的思想也不很细密译为He is…sloppy in thinking,其中sloppy无条理凌乱解。


(4)钱铺又称钱庄,大多仅从事兑换业务,后为银行所代替。钱铺可译为private bankbanking house,但均不如money (exchange) shop确切。

(5)格言在这里意同口头语,现参照上下文译为pet phrase

(6)想得通意即达观随遇而安,故译为philosophical approach to life


Never Give Up the Pursuit of Learning

Hu Shih

Dear students of the Graduating Class,

As you are leaving your alma mater, I have nothing to offer you as a gift except a word of advice.

My advice is, “Never give up the pursuit of learning.” You have perhaps finished your college courses mostly for obtaining the diploma, or, in other words, out of sheer necessity. However, from now you are free to follow your own bent in the choice of studies. While you are in the prime of life, why not devote yourselves to a special field of study? Youth will soon be gone never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your ining years. Knowledge will do you a good turn even as a means of subsistence. If you give up studies while holding a job, you will in a couple of years have had yourselves replaced by younger people. It will then be too late to remedy the situation by picking up studies again.

Some people say, “Once you have a job, you’ll come up against the urgent problem of making a living. How can you manage to find time to study? Even if you want to, will it be possible with no library or no laboratory available?”

Now let me tell you this. Those who refuse to study for lack of a library will most probably continue to do so even though there is a library. And those who refuse to do research for lack of a laboratory will most probably continue to do so even though a laboratory is available. As long as you set your mind on studies, you will naturally cut down on food and clothing to buy books or do everything possible to acquire necessary instruments.

Time is no object. les Darwin could only work one hour a day due to ill health. Yet what a remarkable man he was! If you spend one hour a day reading 10 pages of a book, you can finish more than 3600 pages a year, and 110000 pages in 30 years.

Dear students, 110,000 pages will be quite enough to make a learned man of you. It will take you one hour to read three tabloids a day, and one and half hours to finish four rounds of mah-jong a day. Reading tabloids, playing mah-jong or striving to be a learned man, the choice lies with you.

Henrik Ibsen says, “it is your supreme duty to cast yourself into a useful implement.”

Learning is the casting mould. Forsake learning, and you will ruin yourself.

Farewell! Your alma mater is watching eagerly to see what will become of you ten years from now.

















(1)不要抛弃学问在这里的意思是不要放弃对学问的追求,因此不能直译为Never Give up Learning,必须加字:Never Give up the Pursuit of Learning

(2)你们可以依自己的心愿去自由研究了译为you are free to follow your personal bent in the choice of studies,其中to follow one’s bent 是成语,和to follow one’s inclination同义,作做自己感兴趣或爱做的事解。

(3)做学问译为to go into scholarship,等于to engage in learning

(4)学问决不会辜负人的译为Knowledge will do you a good turn,其中to do one a good turn 是成语,作做对某人有益的事.

(5)撙衣节食省吃省穿,现译为cut down on food and clothing,其中 to cut down on是成语,与to economize on同义,作节约解。又,上语也可译为 to live frugally

(6)至于时间,更不成问题译为Time is no object,其中no object是成语,等于no problem,作不成问题不在话下解。

(7)全靠你们自己的选择译为the choice lies with youit is up to you to make the choice



Books and I

Xia Mianzun

For twenty years past, books have eaten into at least 10-20 percent of my pocket. Now the only things of some value under my roof, if any, are my books.

Since I have never entertained ambition for making a profound study of any subject, the books I have acquired cover almost everything--religion, art, literature, sociology, philosophy, history, biology, etc. Most of them are Chinese translations of literary works by famous foreign writers and anthologies of Chinese poetry and prose through the ages. The rest, often called an outline or introduction, are merely on rudiments of various subjects.

I never care to borrow books from other people or a library. It seems that books bought can better satisfy my bibliomania than books borrowed. You may also attribute this to some sort of desire for personal possession. Whenever I have some new acquisitions, it always gives me great pleasure and satisfaction to stamp my ex-libris on them one by one.

As soon as a new book comes to hand, I always read the preface first and then the table of contents. If it happens to be a thin one, I often finish reading it at one sitting. Otherwise, I often browse through one or two chapters or sections before putting it onto my bookshelf. I seldom read a thick book from cover to cover unless it is a novel. By dint of the first impression it made on me at the time of buying, I have a rough idea of what a book is about and what useful materials in it are available to me. But I have little idea which book is to be read or looked over again at what time. It is completely subject to the whims of the moment. This often prompts me to liken myself and the books on my shelves respectively to an ancient emperor and his concubines housed separately in a row of adjoining rooms.

Much as I love books, I take little care of them. In doing my reading, I often mark out what I regard as important in a book. If it is a thread-bound Chinese book, I use a writing brush to draw small circles as markings. Otherwise, I use a red pencil to draw heavy underlines. Consequently, the books I have read are rarely clean.

It is said that those who have a great liking for candies will sicken to see them when later they happen to work in a candy store. Likewise, ever since I began to work in a bookstore, my obsession with books has been very much on the ine. Nevertheless, I still can not help slipping back into the same old rut, eager to buy this and that book. This is probably because candies are to be eaten with the mouth and not worth keeping as knick-knacks while books can be bought without being read and just left on a shelf.
















(1)我之于书译为  Books and I,比 I and Books符合英语习惯,读音也较顺口。

(2)我的生活费中至少十分之一二是消耗在书上的译为books have eaten into at least 10-20 percent of my pocket,其中成语to eat into 耗尽花费解,意同 to use up to spend graduallypocket腰包解。

(3)我的房子里译为 under my roof ,意同 in my house

(4)好像过不来瘾似的中的藏书癖,故译为bibliomania,意即 desire or passion for collecting books

(5)藏书印译为 ex-libris,为专用语。

(6)往往立刻通读译为 I often finish reading it at one sitting,其中at one sitting(亦作at a sitting)为成语,作坐着一口气一下子解。

(7)宫女本可译为court ladiespalace maids,但原文实际上指的是妃子,故译为concubines

(8)故态复萌译为slipping back into the same old rut,或relapsing into my old habit



The Sight of Father’s Back

Zhu Ziqing

It is more than two years since I last saw father, and what I can never for is the sight of his back --- Misfortunes never come singly. In the winter of more than two years ago, grandma died and father lost his job. I left Beijing for Xuzhou to join father in hastening home to attend grandma’s funeral. When I met father in Xuzhou, the sight of the disorderly mess his courtyard and the thought of grandma started tears trickling down my cheeks. Father said, “Now that things’ve come to such a pass, its no use crying. Fortunately, Heaven always leaves one a way out.”

After arriving home in Yangzhou, father paid off debts by selling or pawning things. He also borrowed money to meet the funeral expenses. Between grandmas funeral and fathers unemployment, our family was then in reduced circumstances. After the funeral was over, father was to go to Nanjing to look for a job and I was to return to Beijing to study, so we started out toher.

I spent the first day in Nanjing strolling about with some friends at their invitation, and was ferrying across the Yangtse River to Pukou the next morning and thence taking a train for Beijing on the afternoon of the same day. Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the railway station, but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead. He urged the waiter again and again to take good care of me, but still did not quite trust him. He hesitated for quite a while about what to do. As a matter of fact, nothing would matter at all because I was then twenty and had already travelled on the Beijing-Pukou Railway a couple of times. After some wavering, he finally decided that he himself would accompany me to the station. I repeatedly tried to talk him out of it, but he only said, “Never mind! It won’t do to trust guys like those hotel boys!"

We entered the railway station after crossing the River. While J was at the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage. There was quite a bit of luggage and he had to bargain with the porter over the fee. I was then such a smart aleck that I frowned upon the way father was haggling and was on the verge of chipping in a few words when the bargain was finally clinched. Getting on the train with me, he picked me a seat close to the carriage door. I spread on the seat the brownish fur lined overcoat he had got tailor made for me. He told me to be watchful on the way and be careful not to catch cold at night He also asked the train attendants to take good care of me. I sniggered at father for being so impractical, for it was utterly uss to entrust me to those attendants, who cared for nothing but money. Besides, it was certainly no problem for a person of my age to look after himself. Oh, when I come to think of it, I can see how smarty I was in those days!

I said, “Dad, you might leave now.” But he looked out of the window and said, “I’m going to buy you some tangerines. You just stay here. Don’t move around.” I caught sight of several vendors waiting for customers outside the railings beyond a platform. But to reach that platform would require crossing the rail way track and doing some climbing up and down. That would be a strenuous job for father, who was fat. I wanted to do all that myself, but he stopped me, so I could do nothing but let him go. I watched him hobble towards the railway track in his black skullcap, black cloth mandarin jacket and dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown. He had little trouble climbing down the railway track, but it was a lot more difficult for him to climb up that platform after crossing the railway trade His hands held onto the upper part of the platform, his legs huddled up and his corpulent body tipped slightly towards the left, obviously making an enormous exertion. While I was watching him from behind, tears gushed from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away lest he or others should catch me crying. The next moment when I looked out of the window again, father was already on the way back, holding bright red tangerines in both hands. In crossing the railway track, he first put the tangerines on the ground, climbed down slowly and then picked them up again. When he came near the train, I hurried out to help him by the hand. After boarding the train with me, he laid all the tangerines on my overcoat, and patting the dirt off his clothes, he looked somewhat relieved and said after a while, “I must be going now. Don’t for to write me from Beijing!” I gazed after his back retreating out of the carriage. After a few steps, he looked back at me and said, “Go back to your seat. Don’t leave your things alone.” I, however, did not go back to my seat until his figure was lost among crowds of people hurrying to and fro and no longer visible. My eyes were again wet with tears.

In recent years, both father and I have been living an unsettled life, and the circumstances of our family going from bad to worse. Father left home to seek a livelihood when young and did achieve quite a few things all on his own. To think that he should now be so downcast in old age! The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow, and his pent-up emotion had to find a vent. That is why even mere domestic trivialities would often make him angry, and meanwhile he became less and less nice with me. However, the separation of the last two years has made him more forgiving towards me. He keeps thinking about me and my son. After I arrived in Beijing, he wrote me a letter, in which he says, “I’m all right except for a severe pain in my arm. I even have trouble using chopsticks or writing brushes. Perhaps it won’t be long now before I depart this fife.” Through the glistening tears which these words had brought to my eyes I again saw the back of father’s corpulent form in the dark blue cotton-padded cloth long gown and the black cloth mandarin jacket. Oh, how I long to see him again!




























    “回家”指作者和父亲一起从徐州回扬州奔丧。英译时有必要交代清楚扬州是他们的老家,所以釆用加字法:After arriving home in Yangzhou

    “一半为了丧事,一半为了父亲的赋闲”译为Between Grandma’s funeral and father’s unemployment,其中Between…and…等于 What with... and (what with)… 作“半因,半因”或“由于的共同影响”解。

    “茶房”旧时指旅馆、餐馆、轮船等内的服务员,可译为waiter, attendant, boy.

    “我两三回劝他不必去”译为I repeatedly tried to talk him out of it,比I repeatedly tried to dissuade him from accompanying me to the station 通俗简洁。

    “他们去不好”中的“他们”指“茶房”,全句意译为It won’t do to trust guys like those hotel boys. 如直译为It won’t do to let one of the hotel boys go with you,也无不可,但未能把“对茶房缺乏信任感”的意思表达出来。

    “小费”在这里不指按规定价格付费之外另给的“赏金”,不能用tip 表达,现译为fee

    “我那时真是聪明过分”中的“聪明”是反话,现全句译为I was then such a smart aleck,其中smart aleck意即“自以为是的人”或“自以为样样懂的人”。

    “总觉他说话不大漂亮”意即嫌父亲不会讲价钱,现全句译为I frowned upon the way father was haggling,其中 frowned upon 作“表示不赞同”解。


    “那时真是太聪明了”也是反语,现译为how smarty I was in those days 其中smarty smart aleck 同义。

&9322;“马褂”为旧时男子穿在长袍外的对襟短褂,通常译为mandarin jacket

&9323;“里边没人”不宜按字而直译,现译为Don’t leave your things alone

&9324;“父亲和我都是东奔西走”不宜按字面直译,现意译为both father and I have been living an unsettled life

&9322;“他触目伤怀,自然情不能自己”意即“他看到家庭败落,情不自禁 地为之悲伤”,现译为 The discouraging state of affairs filled him with an uncontrollable feeling of deep sorrow.

&9326;“他待我渐渐不同往日”?含即“他待我渐渐不如过去那么好”,故译为he became less and less nice with me.

&9327;“大去”为旧时用语,意即“与世长辞”,现译为depart this life


Transient Days

Zhu ziqing

If swallows go away, they will come back again. If willows wither, they will turn green again. If peach blossoms fade, they will flower again. But, tell me, you the wise, why should our days go by never to return? Perhaps they have been stolen by someone. But who could it be and where could he hide them? Perhaps they have just run away by themselves. But where could they be at the present moment?

I don’t know how many days I am entitled to altoher, but my quota of them is undoubtedly wearing away. Counting up silently, I find that more than 8000 days have already slipped away through my fingers. Like a of water falling off a needle point into the ocean, my days are quietly dripping into the stream of time without leaving a trace. At the thought of this, sweat oozes from my forehead and tears trickle down my cheeks.

What is gone is gone, what is to come keeps coming. How swift is the transition in between! When I up in the morning, the slanting sun casts two or three squarish patches of light into my small room. The sun has feet too, edging away softly and stealthily. And, without knowing it, I am already caught in its revolution. Thus the day flows away through the sink when I wash my hands; vanishes in the rice bowl when I have my meal; passes away quietly before the fixed gaze of my eyes when I am lost in reverie. Aware of its fleeting presence, I reach out for it only to find it brushing past my outstretched hands. In the evening, when I lie on my bed, it nimbly strides over my body and flits past my feet. By the time when I open my eyes to meet the sun again, another day is already gone. I heave a sigh, my head buried in my hands. But, in the midst of my sighs, a new day is flashing past.

Living in this world with its fleeting days and teeming millions, what can I do but waver and wander and live a transient life? What have I been doing during the 8000 fleeting days except wavering and wandering? The bygone days, like wisps of smoke, have been dispersed by gentle winds, and, like thin mists, have been evaporated by the rising sun. What traces have I left behind? No, nothing, not even gossamer-like traces. I have come to this world stark naked, and in the twinkling of an eye, I am to go back as stark naked as ever. However, I am taking it very much to heart: why should I be made to pass through this world for nothing at all?

O you the wise, would you tell me please: why should our days go by never to return?















(1)原文开头三个句子结构类似,译文采用三个相应的句式,力求形似。同时,每句均以if从句为首,使人想起英国诗人雪莱(Shelley)的名句:If Winter comes, can Spring be far away,有助于烘托原文的韵味。

(2)现在又到了那里呢译为But where could they be at the present moment,其中at the present moment等于now,也可用at the momentat the moment in time等表达。

(3)我不知道他们给了我多少日子译为I don’t know how many days I am entitled to

altoher,其中entitled to相当于qualified for,作能有……”有权得到……”解。此句也可译为I don’t know how many days been given to live

(4)但我的手确乎是渐渐空虚了不宜逐字直译,现以意译法处理:but my quota of them is undoubtedly wearing away,其中quota of them的意思是一定数额的日子,也即寿命的预期数额。也可用my allotted span 代替my quota of them

(5)八千多日子已经从我手中溜去译为more than 8000 days have already slipped away through my fingers,其中to slip away through one’s fingers是英语习语。

(6)我不禁头涔涔而泪潸潸了的译文中添加了At the thought of this(一想到这儿),承上启下,原文虽无其字而有其意。

(7)两三方译为two and three squarish patches,其中squarish的意思是似方形的


(8)挪移在此有慢慢离开的含义,现以英语短语动词(phrasal verb) to edge away

达。注意原文第三段中若干表示动作的词语在译文中均挑选恰当的英语短语动词表达,效果较好。如:……(双眼前)过去译为to pass away before…伸出手遮挽……”译为to reach out for………(手边)过去译为to brush past………(身上)跨过译为to stride over………(脚边)飞去了译为to flit past…闪过去了译为to flash past

(9)不能平的意即为之耿耿于怀为之想不开,现译为I am taking it very much

to heart,其中to take…to heart是英语成语,作……烦恼……想不开解。



Ba Jin

On my recent travels, I came to realize still more fully the significance of the word “friend”.

Seven or eight days ago, I said to a friend whom I had just come to know, “I can’t help feeling embarrassed before my friends. You’re all so nice to me. I simply don’t know how to repay your kindness.” I did not make this remark out of mere modesty and courtesy. I truly meant what I said. The next day, I said goodbye to this friend, not knowing if I could ever see him again. But the little warmth that he gave me has been keeping my heart throbbing with gratitude.

The length of my days will not be unlimited. However, whenever I look back on my brief past life, I find a beacon illuminating my soul and thereby lending a little brightness to my being. That beacon is friendship. I should be grateful to it because it has helped me keep alive up to now and clear away the shadow left on me by my old family.

Many people forsake their friends in favour of their own families, or at least draw a line of demarcation between families and friends, considering the former to be many times more important than the latter. That seems to be a matter of course. I have also seen with my own eyes how some people abandon their friends as well as their own careers soon after they married…

Friends are transient whereas family are lasting—that is the tenet, as I know, guiding the behaviour of many people. To me, that is utterly inconceivable. Without friends, I would have been reduced to I don’t know what a miserable creature.

Friends are my saviours. They give me things which it is beyond my family to give me. Thanks to their fraternal love, assistance and encouragement, I have time and again been saved from falling into an abyss while on its verge. They have been enormously generous towards me.

There was a time when my life was miserable and gloomy. My friends then gave me in large quantities sympathy, love, joy and tears — things essential for existence. It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life. I accepted their kindnesses quietly without ever saying a word of thanks and without ever doing anything in return. In spite of that, my friends never used the epithet “self-centered” when referred to me. They are only too generous towards me.

I visited many new places and met new friends on my recent trip. My time was mostly taken up by looking around, listening, talking and walking. But I never ran into any trouble because my friends had done their utmost to make sure that I would be short of nothing. Whatever new places I called at, I always felt at home as if I were back in my old residence in Shanghai which had been already been raged to the ground by Japanese troops.

No matter how hard up and frugal my friends themselves were, they would unstintingly share with me whatever they had, although they knew I would not be able to repay them for their kindness. Some, whom I did not even know by name, showed concern over my health and went about inquiring after me. It was not until they saw my suntanned face and arms that they began to smile a smile of relief. All that was enough to move one to tears.

Some people believe that, without writing, I would lose my livelihood. One of my sympathizers, in an article published two months ago in the Guangzhou Republic Daily Supplement, gives a full ac of the conditions of my life. He also says that I would have nothing to live on once I should lay down my pen. That is not true at all. It has already been proved by recent travels that my friends would never let me suffer from cold and hunger even if I should go without writing a single word. There are a great many kind-hearted people in the world who never attach undue importance to themselves and their own families and who never place themselves and their families above anything else. It is owing to them that I still survive and shall continue to survive for a long time to come.

I owe my friends many, many kindnesses. How can I repay them? But, I understand, they don’t need me to do that.

Recently I came across the following words in a book by a French philosopher:

One condition of life is consumption… Survival in this world is parable from generosity, without which we would perish and become dried-up from within. We must put forth flowers. Moral integrity and unselfishness are the flowers of life.

Now so many flowers of life are in full bloom before my eyes. When can my life put forth flowers? Am I already dried-up from within?

A friend of mine says, “If I were a lamp, I would illuminate darkness with my light.”

I, however, don’t qualify for a bright lamp. Let me be a piece of firewood instead. I’ll radiate the heat that I have absorbed from the sun. I’ll burn myself to ashes to provide this human world with a little warmth.





















 (1)在朋友面前我只感到惭愧中的惭愧的意思是不好意思,不作羞愧解,因此不宜按字面译为ashamed等。可译为embarrassedill at ease等。

(2)使我的心颤动译为Keeping my heart throbbing with gratitude,其中with gratitude是添加成分,原文虽无其字而有其意。

(3)我现在会变成怎样可怜的东西,我自己也不知道译为I would have been reduced to I don’t know what a miserable creature,其中I don’t know作插入语用。

(4)无限的慷慨译为enormously generous,其中enormouslyextremelyexceedingly解,属强化修饰词(intensifying adjective)。

(5)这些不要报答的慷慨施舍,使我的生活里也有了温暖,有了幸福译为It is due to their bountiful free gifts that I also have my share of warmth and happiness in my life,其中bountiful的意思是慷慨大量my share of我(也有)的一份解,用以表达原文中的内涵。

(6)太慷慨译为only too generous,其中only too是成语,作veryall too解。

(7)一天不写文章第二天就没有饭吃中的一天……第二天就……”在译文中用连接词once即可表达。又没有饭吃不宜按字面直译,现意译为have nothing to live on

(8)朋友给我的东西是太多、太多了中的东西主要指帮助,侧重在精神方面,虽然也可译为things,但在此不如kindnesses (= kind acts)更为贴切。


The Land of My Ancestors

Bing Xin

The River mouth at dawn,

Behind a white haze of mist,

‘Tis southern climes,

Behold, the rain is coming.

I have seen the blue sea all along,

Little aware of this green River,

O the land of my ancestors!

                      ---Sparkling Stars, 156

Fuzhou of Fujian Province will always be my old home. Though I was brought up elsewhere, Fuzhou is nevertheless the land of my ancestors!

As yet, I have been back to Fuzhou no more than twice in my lifetime. I made the first tripe in the winter of 1911. Returned from the bitter cold North with its drab and dried up veation, I was amazed and delighted when greeted by the ming scenery of sapphire mountains and emerald rivers as well as red flowers and green leaves. I felt the sailing boat of my life steering its way into the green River after leaving the blue sea behind. At the Minjiang River, we changed from the big ship to a small boat, which took us to Daqiaotou (Big Bridge), where we were met by Uncle and cousins. They gathered round us and talked warmly with my parents in the local dialect. Thereupon, my 5-year-old younger brother whispered in my ear with a Shandong accent, “How come they can all speak the Fuzhou dialect?” We had both thought that the Fuzhou dialect was indeed most difficult for anyone to learn.

From then on, we lived an urban life for more than a year in Fuzhou. During such festivals as Lunar New Year, Lantern, Dragon Boat and Mid-Autumn, we all celebrated the festivities with plenty of food and fun. Particular mention, however, should be made of the Lantern Festival when Nanhoujie, the street known for its lantern fair and also the street where we lived, became as bright as broad daylight at night with myriads of lanterns and streams of spectators. The splendor and magnificence of the scene is beyond all description.

I made the second visit in 1956, also in winter. As the Yingtan-Xiamen Railway had not yet been built, the NPC gation, with myself as a member, had to go from Jiangxi Province by car. The highway from Jiangxi to Fuzhou, paved with red soil, was as smooth as a mirror. It was the most level soil-paved highway I had ever seen. This time I visited not only Fuzhou, but also Zhangzhou, Quanzhou, Xiamen and Gulangyu --- the southern frontiers of our ry. At the Xiamen seaside, I could see clearly through a telescope pedestrians and cows on the Quemoy Islands.

My experiences of this trip, however, are too numerous to be reed one by one here. Anyway, I deeply love Fuzhou, my ancestral home. Over there we have the typical southern scenery with blue mountains, green waters, limpid books…! There in the courtyard we can always see  some kind of flowers in full bloom throughout the year. Fruits ranging from loquats, lichees, longans to tangerines are in plenty. Is there anything more palatable to a little child than these fruits?

I did not visit all the local attractions in Fuzhou. Everywhere we could find historical relics as well as villages and towns inhabited by relatives of overseas Chinese. Fujianese expatriates are found all over the world. They have mostly started from scratch by the sweat of their brow. When I met some of them on my visits to Asian, African European and American ries, they all expressed warm feeling towards me while shaking my hands. As I ate Fuzhou food and sipped jasmine tea in their homes or shops, I felt that being a Fujianese, I could make myself at home wherever I travelled in the world.

My ancestral home is so endearing. Whenever I meet somebody hailing from Fuzhou or a friend who has recently been there, I always inquire of them about the present conditions of Fujian. They all tell me that compared with two decades ago, Fujian has made so much progress that it is now almost beyond recognition. Recently I have learned that people there have gone in for scientific farming and afforestation so that green and luxuriant veation has appeared on all mountains and fields. People have been advising me to pay another visit to my old home. Yes, I am more than eager to do so. And so are my numerous fellow townsmen in all corners of the world. I hope that toher with all the people in my home town as well as all overseas Chinese from Fujian, I can do my bit to make a still better place of my ancestral home, both materially and culturally.
























(1)江头指闽江入海处,故译the River mouth

(2)江南天气译为southern climes,其中climes是英语诗歌用语,常用复数,意同climate

(3)《繁星》是冰心1923年出版的第一诗集,收小诗凡164首。现将《繁星》译为Sparkling Stars

(4)从严冷枯黄的北方归来译为Returned from the bitter cold North with its drab and dried up veation,其中Returned是不及物动词return的过去分词,在此作形容词。又veation是译文中的添加成分,作草木植被解。

(5)青山碧水译为sapphire mountains and emerald rivers,其中sapphireemerald均为实颜色词,原意分别为蓝宝石绿宝石。译文用这两个实物词是为增加修辞效果。

(6)就说不尽了意即就难以形容了,故译为beyond description,为英语成语。

(7)道滑如拭意即道路平坦,译为The highway…was as smooth as a mirror,其中mirror


(8)在厦门前线译为At the Xianmen seaside,其中用seaside代替frontline,是为便于国外


(9)福建华侨,遍于天下译为Fujianese expatriates are found all over the world,其中expatriates的意思是移居国外者离乡背井者。此句也可译为Overseas Chinese from Fujian

(10)辛苦创业译为have started from scratch by the sweat of their brow,其中to start from scratchby the sweat of one’s brow均为英语成语,分别作白手起家靠自己辛勤劳动解。

(11)有人从故乡来也可译为somebody who has come from Fuzhou,但不如somebody hailing from Fuzhou简洁,其中to hail来自解。

(12)农业科学化了,又在植树造林译为people there have gone in for scientific farming and

afforestation,其中to go in for是成语,作致力于从事于解,在译文中是添加成分,原文虽无其词,而有其意。

(13)我何尝不想呢译为YesI am more than eager to do so,其中more thanveryextremely解。

(14)把故乡建设得更美好译为do my bit to make a still better place of my ancestral home

其中to do one’s bit为成语,作尽自己一份力量作一份贡献解,在译文中是添加成分,




Tribute to the White Poplar

Mao Dun

The white poplar is no ordinary tree. Let me sing its praises.

When you travel by car through Northwest China’s boundless plateau, all you see before you is something like a huge yellow-and-green felt blanket. Yellow is the soil—the uncultivated virgin soil. It is the outer covering of the loess plateau accumulated by Mother Nature several hundred thousand years ago. Green are the wheat fields signifying man’s triumph over nature. They become a sea of rolling green waves whenever there is a soft breeze. One is here reminded of Chinese expressionmai lang meaning “rippling wheat” and cannot help admiring our forefathers’ ingenuity in coining such a happy phrase. It must have been either the brainwave of a clever scholar, or a linguistic gem sanctioned by long usage. The boundless highland, with dominant yellow and green, is flat like a whetstone. Were it not for distant mountain peaks standing side by side (which, as your naked eyes tell you, are bellow where you stand), you would probably for that you are on the highland. The sight of the scene will probably call up inside you a string of epithets like “spectacular” or “grand”. Meanwhile, however, your eyes may become weary of watching the same panorama, so much so that you are oblivious of its being spectacular or grand. And you may feel monotony coming on. Yes, it is somewhat monotonous, isn’t it?

Now what will become of your weariness if you suddenly raise your eyes only to catch sight of distant row of trees (or just a couple of them) standing there proudly like sentries. For my part, I cannot keep from uttering an exclamation of surprise!

They are white poplars. Though very common in Northwest China, they are no ordinary trees!

With straight trunks and branches, white poplars aim high. Their trunks are usually over ten feet tall and, as if wrought by human effort, utterly bare of branches below ten feet. Their twigs, also like things artificially shaped, all reach out towards the sky and grow close toher in a cluster without any sideway growth. Their leaves are broad and point upwards with very few slanting sideways, much less upside down. Their glossy barks are a faint light green with hazy silver spots. They stand erect and unbending in face of North China’s violent wind and snow. Though they may be only as big as the mouth of bowl, they strive to grow upwards until they reach the towering height of some twenty feet and stand indomitable against the northwest wind.

They are white poplar. Though very common in Northwest China, they are no ordinary tree!

You may call them unattractive because they have neither the graceful carriage of a dancer, nor such branches as can twine and climb. But nevertheless they are big and tall, honest and upright, simple and plain, earnest and unyielding—and not without gentleness and warmth though. They are giants among trees! When you trudge through the melting snow of the highland and see one or a row of white poplars standing proudly on the vast plains, how could you look upon them as nothing but mere trees? How could you for that with all their simplicity, earnestness and unyieldingness, they are symbolic of our peasants in the North? How could you fail to associate them with our dauntless soldiers guarding our homeland all over the vast rear? How could you fail to see that these trees, ever striving to put out their closely knit branches and leaves in an upward direction, are symbolic of the spirit and will of our men who, fighting heroically all over the northern plains, are writing the history of New China with their own blood?

White poplars are no ordinary trees. But these common trees in Northwest China are as much ignored as our peasants in the North. However, like our peasants in the North, they are bursting with vitality and capable of surviving any hardship or oppression. I pay tribute to them because they symbolize our peasants in the North and, in particular, the spirit of honesty, tenacity and forging ahead—a spirit central to our struggle for national liberation.

The reactionary diehards, who despise and snub the common people, can do whatever they like to eulogize the elite nanmu (which is also tall, straight and good-looking) and look down upon the common, fast-growing white poplar. I, for my part, will be loud in my praise of the latter!













《白杨礼赞》是茅盾〔18961980在抗日战争期间19413月写的一篇著名散文。作者用象征的手法,通过对白杨树的赞美,热情歌颂中 国共产党领导下的人民革命和伟大的民族精神。


(1)是黄绿错综的一条大毡子译为something like a huge yellow-and-green felt blanket,其中something like是为适应英语上下文而增添的成分,变隐喻为明喻,使译文读来更顺当。又yellow-and-green(或yellow and green)和yellow green不同,前者为黄绿杂处,构成一种花色,后者为黄绿混合,即绿中带黄。

(2)坦荡如砥意即平坦得像一块磨刀石,现直译为flat like a whetstone,保留原文的比喻。

(3)你对当前的雄壮伟大闭了眼意即你对眼前的景色不再感到雄壮伟大,现译为you are oblivious of its being spectacular or grand,其中oblivious of忘却不觉得解。

(4)潜滋暗长意即逐渐开始,现译为coming on。英语短语to come onto begin by degree解。


(6)横斜逸出指树枝从树干的旁边斜伸出来,现译为sideway growth

(7)屈曲盘旋意即弯弯曲曲地向上爬,现译为twine and climb

(8)伟岸意即高大,现译为big and tall

(9)守卫他们的家乡的哨兵中的哨兵实际上指士兵战士,不宜译为sentries。全部短语应译为soldiers guarding our homeland

(10)纵横激荡意即到处同敌人英勇战斗,现译为fighting heroically

(11)有极强的生命力译为are bursting with vitality,其中burst with意同full of

(12)我们民族解放斗争中所不可缺的……”译为…central to our struggle for national liberation,其中central to意同essential to


(14)秀颀意即美丽而高大。现译为good-looking and tall



Autumn in Peiping

Yu Dafu

Autumn, wherever it is, always has something to recommend itself. In North China, however, it is particularly limpid, serene and melancholy. To enjoy its atmosphere to the full in the onetime capital, I have, therefore, made light of travelling a long distance from Hanghou to Qingdao, and thence to Peiping.

There is of course autumn in the South too, but over there plants wither slowly, the air is moist, the sky pallid, and it is more often rainy than windy. While muddling along all by myself among the urban dwellers of Suzhou, Shanghai, Xianmen, Hong Kong or Guangzhou, I feel nothing but a little chill in the air, without ever relishing to my heart’s content the flavour, colour, mood and style of the season. Unlike famous flowers which are most attractive when half opening, good wine which is most tempting when one is half drunk, autumn, however, is best appreciated in its entirety.

It is more than a decade since I last saw autumn in North. When I am in the South, the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping’s Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins, Diao Yu Tai with its shady willow trees, Western Hills with their chirping cts, Yu Quan Shan Mountain on a moonlight evening and Tan Zhe Si with its reverbrating bell. Suppose you put up in a humble rented house inside the bustling imperial city, you can, on ting up at dawn, sit in your courtyard sipping a cup of strong tea, leisurely watch the high azure skies and listen to pigeons circling overhead. Saunter eastward under locust trees to closely observe streaks of sunlight filtering through their foliage, or quietly watch the trumpet-shaped blue flowers of morning glories climbing half way up a dilapidated wall, and an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you. As to morning glories, I like their blue or white flowers best, dark purple ones second best, and pink ones third best. It will be most desirable to have them set off by some tall thin grass planted underneath here and there.

Locust trees in the North, as a decorative embellishment of nature, also associate us with autumn. On ting up early in the morning, you will find the ground strewn all over with flower-like pistils fallen from locust trees. Quiet and smelliness, they feel tiny and soft underfoot. After a street cleaner has done the sweeping under the shade of the trees, you will discover less lines left by his broom in the dust, which look so fine and quiet that somehow a feeling of forlornness will begin to creep up on you. The same depth of implication is found in the ancient saying that a single fallen leaf from thewutong tree is more than enough to inform the world of autumn’s presence.

The sporadic feeble chirping of cicadas is especially acteristic of autumn in the North. Due to the abundance of trees and the low altitude of dwellings in Peiping, cicadas are audible in every nook and cranny of the city. In the South, however, one cannot hear them unless in suburbs or hills. Because of their ubiquitous shrill noise, these cts in Peiping seem to be living off every household like crickets or mice.

As for autumn rains in the North, they also seem to differ from those in the South, being more appealing, more temperate.

A sudden gust of cool wind under the slaty sky, and rains will start pitter-pattering. Soon when the rain is over, the clouds begin gradually to roll towards the west and the sun comes out in the blue sky. Some idle townsfolk, wearing lined or unlined clothing made of thick cloth, will come out pipe in mouth and, loitering under a tree by the end of a bridge, exchange leisurely conversation with acquaintances with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time:

“Oh, real nice and cool—“

“Sure! Getting cooler with each autumn shower!”

Fruit trees in the North also make a wonderful sight in autumn. Take jujube tree for example. They grow everywhere—around the corner of a house, at the foot of a wall, by the side of a latrine or outside a kitchen door. It is at the height of autumn that jujubes, shaped like dates or pigeon eggs, make their appearance in a light yellowish-green amongst tiny elliptic leaves. By the time when they have turned ruddy and the leaves fallen, the north-westerly wind will begin to reign supreme and make a dusty world of the North. Only at the turn of July and August when jujubes, persimmons, grapes are 80-90 percent ripe will the North have the best of autumn—the golden days in a year.

Some literary critics say that Chinese literati, especially poets, are mostly disposed to be decadent, which acs for predominance of Chinese works singing the praises of autumn. Well, the same is true of foreign poets, isn’t it? I haven’t read much of foreign poetry and prose, nor do I want to enumerate autumn-related poems and essays in foreign literature. But, if you browse through collected works of English, German, French or Italian poets, or various ries’ anthologies of poetry or prose, you can always comes across a great many literary pieces eulogizing or lamenting autumn. Long pastoral poems or songs about the four seasons by renowned poets are mostly distinguished by beautiful moving lines on autumn. All that goes to show that all live creatures and sensitive humans alike are prone to the feeling of depth, remoteness, severity and bleakness. Not only poets, even convicts in prison, I suppose, have deep sentiments in autumn in spite of themselves. Autumn treats all humans alike, regardless of nationality, race or class. However, judging from Chinese idiom qiushi (autumn scholar, meaning and aged scholar grieving over frustrations in his life) and frequent ction in textbooks of Ouyang Xiu’s On the Autumn Sough and Su Dongpo’sOn the Red Cliff, Chinese men of letters seem to be particularly autumn-minded. But, to know the real flavour of autumn, especially China’s autumn, one has to visit the North.

Autumn in the South also has its unique features, such as the moonlit Ershisi Bridge in Yangzhou, the flowing sea tide at the Qiantangjiang River, the mist-shrouded Putuo Mountain and lotuses at the Lizhiwan Bay. But they all lack strong colour and lingering flavour. Southern autumn is to Northern autumn what yellow rice wine is to kaoliang wine, congee to steamed buns, perches to crabs, yellow dogs to camels.

Autumn, I mean Northern autumn, if only it could be made to last forever! I would be more than willing to keep but one-third of my life-span and have two-thirds of it bartered for the prolonged stay of the season!

















北方的果树,到秋来,也是一种奇景。第一是枣子树;屋角,墙头,茅房边上,灶房门口,它都会一株株地长大起来。像橄榄又像鸽蛋似的这枣子颗儿,在小椭圆形的细叶中间,显出淡绿微黄的颜色的时候,正是秋的全盛时期;等枣树叶落,枣子红完,西北风就要起来了(9),北方便是尘沙灰土的世界,只有这枣子、柿子、葡萄,成熟到八九分的七八月之交,是北国的清秋的佳日,是一年之中最好也没有的golden days









(1)总是好的不宜按字面直译。现译为always has something to recommend itself,其中to have…to recommend………可取之处解。

(2)不远千里,要从杭州赶上青岛……”译为have made light of travelling a long distance from Hangzhou to Qingdao…,其中to make light of是成语,作……不在乎解。

(3)总看不饱,尝不透,赏玩不到十足不宜逐字直译。译文without ever relishing to my heart’s content…中用relishing to my heart’s content概括原文中的…………赏玩……”等。

(4)每年到了秋天,总要想起陶然亭的芦花……”译为the arrival of each autumn will put me in mind of Peiping’s Tao Ran Ting with its reed catkins…,其中to put one in mind of…是成语,作使人想起……”解。译文中的Peiping’s是添加成分,以便国外读者理解句中所列各景点的所在地是北平。


(6)可和蟋蟀耗子一样,简直像是家家户户都养在家里的家虫译为seem to be living off every household like crickets or mice,其中to live off (= to live on)中成语,作……生活解,用以表达养在……的家虫

(7)更像样意即更有节制,故译为more temperate

(8)根据上下文,微叹是为感怀时光的消逝,故以释义法译为with a slight touch of regret at the passing of time

(9)西北风就要起来了译为the northwesterly wind will begin to reign supreme,其中to reign supreme强调占优势之意。

(10)感到不能自已的深情译为have deep sentiments…in spite of themselves,其中in spite of oneself是成语,作不由自主地解。

(11)秋士是古汉语,指士之暮年不遇者,现译为qiushi (autumn scholar, meaning an aged Scholar grieving over frustrations in his life)

(12)欧阳子的秋声欧阳修所作的《秋声赋》,现译为Ouyang Xiu’s On the Autumn Sough

(13)〈赤壁赋〉为苏东坡所作,借秋游赤壁,抒发自己的人生感慨。可译为On the Red Cliff Fu on the Red Cliff


Wild Grass

Xia Yan

There is a story which goes like this:

Someone asked, “What has the greatest strength on earth?” The answers varied. Some said, “The elephant.” Some said, “The lion.” Some said jokingly, “The fierce-browed guardian gods to Buddha.” But nobody of course could tell how strong the guardian gods were supposed to be.

All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark. The mightiest thing on earth is the seed of a plant. The great strength which a seed is capable of is simply matchless. Here goes another story:

The bones forming a human skull are so tightly and perfectly fit toher that all physiologists or anatomists, hard as they try, are powerless to take them apart without damaging them. It so happened that, at the suggestion of someone, some seeds of plant were placed inside a human skull awaiting dissection before heat and moisture were applied to cause them to grow. Once they started to grow, they let loose a terrific force to separate all the skull bones, leaving each of them intact. This would have been impossible with any mechanical power under the sun. See, how powerful the seeds of a plant can be!

This story may be somewhat too unusual for you to understand. Well, have you ever seen the growth of a bamboo shoot? Or the growth of tender grass from under a heap of rubble or rocks? Seeking sunlight and survival, the young plant will labour tenaciously through twists and turns to bring itself to the surface of the ground no matter how heavy the rocks overhead may be or how narrow the opening between them. While striking its roots deep into the soil, the young plant pushes its new shoots above-ground. The irresistible strength it can muster is such as to overturn any rock in its way. See, how powerful a seed can be!

Though nobody describes the little grass as a “husky”, yet its herculean strength is unrivalled. It is the force of life invisible to the naked eye. It will display itself so long as there is life. The rock is utterly helpless before this force—a force that will forever remain militant, a force that is resilient and can take temporary setbacks calmly, a force that is tenacity itself and will never give up until the goal is reached.

When a seed falls under debris instead of on fertile soil, it never sighs in despair because to meet with obstruction means to temper itself. Indomitable is the grass that begins its very life with a tough struggle. It is only fit and proper that the proud grass should be jeering at the potted flowers in a glass house.










没有一个人将小草叫做大力士 (7),但是它的力量之大,的确是世界无比,这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现,上面的石块,丝毫不足以阻挡,因为它是一种长期抗战的力,有弹性,能屈能伸的力,有韧性,不达目的不止的力(8)





(1)世界上什么东西的气力最大译为What has the greatest strength on earth,其中on earthin the world同义,但此句用on earth较为合适,因它通常用于疑问词或最高级词后加强语气。

(2)金刚金刚力士之略,指守护佛法的天神,常怒目作勇猛之相,现把它意译为the fierce-browed guardian gods to Buddha,其中fierce-browed的意思是怒目横眉

(3)结果,这一切答案完全不对译为All the answers turned out to be wide of the mark,其中wide of the markfar from the mark为成语,意即离谱不正确

(4)把它完整地分出来把它完好无损地分开,故译为to take them apart without damaging them

(5)使它发芽的译文为to cause them grow。也可译为to cause them to put out fresh shoots

(6)为着向往阳光,为着达成它的生之意志实际上的意思是为了争取阳光和生存,故译为Seeking sunlight and survival即可。

(7)没有一个人将小草叫做大力士’”译为Though nobody describes the little grass as a “husky”,其中describe…as的意思是……说成……称为husky的意思是高大强壮的人

(8)有韧性,不达目的不止的力译为a force that is tenacity itself and will never give up until the goal is reached,其中itself一词用来加强前面的抽象名词tenacity,属习惯用法。



Honest Poverty

Fang Zhimin

I have been engaged in the revolutionary struggle for more than a decade. During these long militant years, I have lived a plain life with no luxuries to speak of. Millions of dollars passed through my hands, but I always saw to it that every singly cent of the money raised for the revolution was spent for no other purposes. This may sound like a miracle or an exaggeration to Kuomintang VIPs. Self-discipline and self-sacrifice, however, are the virtue acteristic of a communist. Therefore, should anyone inquire of me about my personal savings, let him read the following amusing episode:

On the day of my capture—a most inauspicious day it was—two Kuomintang soldiers discovered me in a wood. Sizing me up, they thought they had come upon a windfall and started making a frantic body search, hopefully to find on me hundred of silvers dollars or some jewellery like gold bracelets or rings. They frisked me from top to toe and passed their hands over everything on me from the collar of my jacket to the soles of my socks, but, contrary to their expectation, they found nothing at all, not even a single copper, except a watch and a fountain pen. They were exasperated, suspecting that I had my money hidden somewhere and refused to give it up. One of the two men had in his left hand a wooden-handled grenade. He pulled out the cord from inside the wooden handled and moved his legs one step apart as if he was about to throw the grenade. Glowering at me ferociously, he threatened loudly,

“Out with your money quick, or you die!”

“Hey!” I said drily with a faint smile. “Don’t you put on such nasty airs! True I haven’t got a single copper with me. You’re barking up wrong tree to seek a fortune from me.”

“Shit! Nobody can ever believe a big shot like you ain’t got no money!” the soldier with the grenade remained wholly incredulous.

“No money?” the other soldier joined in. “Impossible! It must be hidden somewhere. No fooling an old hand like me.” Meanwhile, he bent low to pass his hand again meticulously over every nook and corner of my clothes and the crotch of my trousers, still holding out high hopes of making a new discovery.

“You should believe me and stop messing around!” I explained again. “Unlike your Kuomintang officials who’re rolling in money, I’m really penniless. We join the revolution not for personal gain.”

Finally, when they knew for certain that there was no money on me, they gave up the body search. Nevertheless, they lowered their heads to scan here and there the place where I had hidden myself, but again in vain. How frustrated they must have felt! The soldier holding grenade pushed the cord back into its wooden handle, and turned round to scramble for my watch and fountain pen. The two men, however, settled their dispute by agreeing to divide the money equally between them after selling the spoils. They eyed me up and down with suspicion and amazement before barking out in chorus,” come along!”

Dear readers, maybe you wish to know if I have any private property at home. Just a minute! Let me see… Ah, here it is, but nothing much though. I have left with my wife for safekeeping a few changes of used underwear and a few pairs of socks with mended soles, all of which I used to wear last summer. She has now put them away in a remote mountain valley to prevent them from being stolen in case of Kuomintang attack, so that I may wear them again this summer. These are all the property I have to my name. But wouldn’t the aration of my “family treasures” make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich?

To remain honest though poor, to live a clean and simple life—that is what we revolutionaries on to overcome innumerable difficulties!



















(1)国民党伟人们国民党要人们,故译为Kuomintang VIPs

(2)一桩趣事可译为amusing event, occurrenceepisode等,但以episode较为合适,因为它指一系列事件中的一件。

(3)一千或八百大洋大洋银元故译为silver dollars

(4)发个意外之财译为had come upon a windfall,其中windfall本指a piece of fruit blown off a tree by the wind,现指a piece of unexpected fortune


(6)不然就是一炸弹,把你炸死去本可按字面直译为or the bomb finishes you off,现译为or you die,简洁明白,较口语化。又动词die用作现在不定式,不用将来式will die,是为了表达一种必然将发生的事(a certainty)。

(7)想从我这里发财,是想错了译为You’re barking up the wrong tree to seek a fortune from me,其中to bark up the wrong tree是常见于口语的习语,意即找错地方找错人


(9)像你当大官的人会没有钱译为A big shot like you ain’t got no money?,其中ain’t等于hasn’t,常见于口语。又译句中用两个否定(double negative)表达一个否定,为文化低的人所用的不规范英语。

(10)决不会没有钱的是恶狠狠的话,不宜直译,现根据人物对话情景译为No money? Impossible取其神似。

(11)老出门的意即老手故译为an old hand

(12)不要瞎忙吧意即别胡闹可译为don’t act or speak stupidly但欠口语化现译为stop messing aroundstop mucking around

(13)叫那些富翁们齿冷三天意即被那些有钱人尽情嘲笑现译为make myself an object of lively ridicule to the rich



Parting Sorrows

Zheng Zhenduo

Farewell, China, my beloved homeland! Leaning over the high railing, I watched the ship tearing itself away slowly from the shore, leaving a widening expanse of water in between. Many relatives and friends of mine were waving their hats and white handkerchiefs amidst shouts of “Adieu, adieu!” firecrackers were crackling and spluttering, and sailors shouting goodbye to their buddies on the shore. I was seized with violent emotion, tears welling up in my eyes and blurring my eyeglasses.

While the ship was steering ahead slowly, I saw on the way many warships in gray or white lying at anchor and fly flags other than our national ones. They were flying the red sun, the tricolour, the union jack or the stars and stripes.

The banks with their yellowish soil and green grass receded into two greenish strips until they became some mere islets on the horizon. The waters of the sea glistened under the setting sun and kept leaping like romping urchins. The water surface was a vast expanse of gold.

Farwell, China, my beloved homeland!

I cannot find it in my heart to leave China, much less during these stormy times when I have to abandon my bounden duty and leave behind so many dear brave fighters—men who are building a new China with their own blood and struggling and battling in all earnest. To quit China at this moment means to dodge my responsibility, and that makes me feel very guilty indeed!

Nevertheless, I shall eventually answer the call of the times and devote myself heart and soul to my motherland. I am parting from China acquire more experience and search for better ways of struggle. Dear brave fighters of every field, I shall be separated from you only for the present and will soon return to join your ranks with redoubled strength.

On my return, I hope, I shall see no more gray or white warships plying our territorial waters with flags of the red sun, the tricolour, the union jack or the stars and stripes. I hope I shall see instead our lovely great fleet flying our national colours.

Dear brave fighters, if the foreign warships by that time still hang on their presence in our territorial waters, I will join you to do my bit in ting rid of them.

That is my pledge!

Farewell, China, my beloved homeland!



别了,我爱的中国,我全心爱着的中国,当我倚在高高的船栏上,见着船渐渐的离岸了(2),船与岸间的水面渐渐的阔了(3),见着了许多亲友挥着白巾,挥着帽子,挥着手,说着Adieu, adieu!听着鞭炮劈劈拍拍的响着,水兵们高呼着向岸上的同伴告别时,我的眼眶是润湿了,我自知我的泪点已经滴在眼镜面了,镜面是模糊了,我有一种说不出的感动!











(1)题目《离别》译为Parting Sorrows,不仅表示告别,且同时把离愁别绪也作了交代。如译为Parting from homelandFarewell to China似缺乏内涵。

(2)见着船渐渐的离岸了译为I watched the ship tearing itself away slowly from the shore,其中tear itself away也可用moving away表达,但缺乏惜别的感情色彩。

(3)船与岸间的水面渐渐的阔了译为leaving a widening expanse of water in between,其中in between between the ship and the shore

(4)红日指日本国旗,译为the red sun,后面未加flag,是为了配合造句。否则也可译为the sun flagthe rising-sun flag

(5)蓝白红指法国国旗,英语中常以the tricolour来表达。

(6)“‘红蓝条交叉着的联合旗指英国国旗,英语中以the union jackthe union flag表达。

(7)“‘星点红条的旗即美国国旗,英语中称之为the stars and stripes

(8)我不忍离了中国而去译为I cannot find it in my heart to leave Chins,其中to find it in one’s heart to do…是成语,作忍心做……”意欲……”解。此句也可译为I cannot bear to leave China

(9)更不忍在这大时代中放弃每人应做的工作而去译为much less during these stormy times when I have to abandon my bounden duty,其中much less是成语,常跟在否定句后面,作更不用说and certainly not)解。又,这大时代按内涵译为these stormy times,未按字面直译为the great times

(10)暂别了译为I shall be separated from you only for the present,其中for the presentfor the time being同义,都作暂时眼下解。

(11)白色灰色的军舰都已不见了译为I shall see no more gray or white warships plying our territorial waters,其中plying our territorial waters(往返于我国领海)是添加成分,原文虽无其字,但有其意。

(12)如果它们那时还没有退去中国海译为if the foreign warships by that time still hang on to their presence in our territorial waters,其中hang on 是成语,作坚持不肯放弃解。又presence 一词常用来指(军政)势力存在



Time Is Life

Liang Shiqiu

It is most startling to hear a watch or clock clicking away the seconds, each click indicating the shortening of one’s life by a little bit. Likewise, with each page torn off the wall calendar, one’s life is shortened by another day. Time, therefore, is life. Nevertheless, few people treasure their time as much as their life. Time must not be wasted if you want to do your bit in your remaining years or acquire some useful knowledge to improve yourself and help others, so that your life may turn out to be significant and fruitful. All that is foolproof, yet few people really strive to make the best use of their time.

Personally, I am also a fritterer. I don’t play mahjong. I seldom go to the theatre or cinema—I go there maybe only once every few years. I seldom spend long hours watching TV—usually I watch TV for no more than 30 minutes at a sitting. Nor do I go visiting and gossiping from door to door. Some people asked me, “Then what do you do with most of your time?” Introspecting with remorse, I found that apart from the time earmarked for my job and unavoidable social activities, most of my time had been wasted. I should have concentrated my energies on reading whatever books I have not yet read. I should have utilized all my time in writing anything I want to write. But I’ve failed to do so. Very much of my times has been frittered away aimlessly. As the saying goes, “One who does not work hard in youth will grieve in vain in old age.”

Take the translation of Shakespeare for example. I had initially planned to spend 20 years of my spare time in doing the translation, finishing two plays a year. But I spent 30 years instead, due primarily to my slothfulness. The whole project would probably have fallen through had it not been for my fairly long life. After that I had other plans for work, but, because of my approaching senility, somehow I failed to do what I had wished to. Had I spurred myself on in my youth, I would have done more and better work. Alas, it is too late to repent.

Another example. The reading of Chinese classics is a must for all Chinese. But it was not until I was over 30 that I came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics. I did read carefully though, marking words and phrases for special attention with small circles and dots. But my efforts at self-study were off and on. Confucius says, “I shall be free of great faults if I can live long enough to begin the study of Yi at the age of 50.” I feel ashamed to admit that I haven’t even touched Yi though I’m now over 80. Chinese history book are equally important. When I was leaving China to study abroad, father bought a set of the Tong Wen lithographic edition of the First Four Books of History, and crammed them into my travelling box, taking up half of its space. Several years later, however, after drifting along abroad, I returned home carrying with me the same books all unread. It was not until 40 years later that I plucked up enough courage to read through Dong Jian. So many books still remain to be read, and I much regret not having enough time to do it.

Whatever you do, you need a sound body first of all. In my school days, in response to the so-called “compulsory physical exercises”, I went in for many sports at the expense of many pairs of sneakers and rackets, thus luckily building up a minimum of good physique. When I was approaching old age, I did Tai ji quan (shadow boxing) for several years. Now I only do some walking exercises. Dear young friends, my advice to you is: Do physical exercises perseveringly. That has nothing to do with merry-making or time-wasting. Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career.




















(1)这道理人人都懂译为All that is foolproof,其中foolproofvery simple to understand解,意同不言而喻简单明了。此句也可译为All that is self-evident

(2)我自己就是浪费了很多时间的一个人译为personally, I am also a fritterer,其中fritterer一词在用法上既可泛指时间、金钱等等的浪费者,又可专指不爱惜时间的人a person who wastes time)。

(3)翻译之所以完成,主要的是因为活得相当长久,十分惊险的意思是幸亏自己命长,否则可能完成不了莎士比亚的翻译。其中十分惊险的意思是险些完成不了。现全句译为The whole project would probably have fallen through had it not been for my fairly long life

(4)但体力渐衰,有力不从心之感译为because of my approaching senility, somehow I failed to do what I had wished to,其中senility指因年迈而导致身心两个方面的衰退。

(5)才知道读书自修的重要中的读书,根据上下文应指读经书,故此句译为came to realize the importance of self-study in the matter of classics,其中in the matter ofin relation toin regard to(就……而论)解。

(6)五十心学易,可以无大过矣出自《论语·\u36848X而》中的子曰,加我数年,五十以学易,可以无大过矣。其意为让我再多活几年,到五十岁时去学习《易经》,就可以没有多大的过错了。现按此意用加字法译为Confucius says, “I shall be free of great faults if I can live long enough to begin the study of Yi at the age of 50.”



(9)健康的身体是作人做事的真正的本钱译为Good health is the wherewithal for a successful life and career,其中the wherewithal意同the necessary means(必要的资金、手段等)。又作人做事生活事业两方面,故参照上下文译为a successful life and career



Lu Yan

“Father is now over sixty, but he still wants to work to save up for a house to be built for me,” a friend of mine from North China told me.

That put me in mind of my father. My father was very much like his.

Father went through untold hardships for me all his life. He brought me up, sent me to school, had a house built for me and bought me a few mu of land. He went to Hankou to engage in trade the year when he was already sixty. And he tried to make out that he was still in his fifties lest people should consider him too old to be of much use. We had all tried to dissuade him from going out to Hankou, but he simply wouldn’t listen and left home carrying the luggage on his back.

“Let me toil a few more years for my son’s sake!” That was what he said.

It happened afterwards that the house was burned down. And he wanted to go back to his business in order to have the house rebuilt. I tried to console him, saying that there was no need for him to do it because in three years’ time I myself would have laid by enough money for a new house. He agreed. Then he gave me a lot of building materials and told me what to do with them. Shortly before his death, he urged me,

“You’d better started right away so that I can watch to see that everything is done properly.”

Unfortunately he didn’t live long enough to see the new house. He told me on his deathbed that had nothing to feel sorry about. But I knew he would be much happier if he could live a few more years just to see the new house put up. When I heard his dying groans and sighs, I believed they were caused not by physical pain, but by regret for not being able to live a few more years to help me with the new house.

Now I myself am a father of several children. Though I love my kids, I do not share the idea of father and people of his time that one can never do too much in his lifetime to help his children. Much as I admire father and people of his time for their moral excellence, I can never follow in their footsteps.

I think of my children as an encumbrance to me I haven’t worked out a long-term plan for them, nay, not even a short-term one.

“I’d like to give away my kids to anyone who’s willing to take them!” That’s what I say whenever I am fed up with them.

Alas, compared with father and people of his time, the present generation, I think, have pitifully low vitality. We in our twenties or thirties cannot compare with our elders in their sixties or seventies. Today they may be advanced in years or even no more, but they will, nevertheless, live forever and ever.

As for us, though still alive, we have long been dead.






















(1)积一点钱,给我造起屋子来译为to save up for a house to be built for me,其中to save up for是成语,作……而把钱存起来解。

(2)他的话使我想起了我的父亲译为that put me in mind of my father等于That reminded me of my fatherTo put one in mind of,,,是成语。

(3)只说五十几岁译为tried to make out that he was still in his fifties,其中to make out是成 语,作声称假装等解。

(4)让我再帮儿子几年!译为:Let me toil a few more years for my son’s sake!如把原文中的字直译为help,则欠达意。

(5)就可积起钱造屋了译为would have laid by enough money for a new house,其中laid by 是成语,作积蓄解。

(6)早一点造起来吧,我可以给你监工。如逐字硬译为Let the construction of the house started as soon as possible so that I can oversee the work for you则欠口语化。现用意译法灵活处理为You’d better started right away so that I can watch to see that everything is done properly
